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Retroflect Build Guide

Bill of Materials


R1 = 1m

R2 = 20k

R3, R6 = 47k

R4, R5 = 33k

R7 = 100k

R8, R13 = 1k

R9 = 4.7k

R10 = 470k

R11 = 100r

R12 = 47r

R14 = 10r

CLR (on footswitch PCB) = current limiting resistor, sets brightness of LED. 4.7k is a common choice. Ignore c1 on the footswitch PCB!


C1 = 68n

C2 = 470n

C3 = 1n

C4 = 470p

C5 = 10n

C6, C7 = 47n

C8, C9, C15 = 100n

C10 = 100u

C11, C14 = 47u

C12 = 2.2u

C13 = 1u


D1, D2, D4 = 1n34a (the diodes icluded with the kit)

D3 = 1n4001

REG = 78L05

NOISE switch = ON-OFF-ON


WOW = B5k

SAT, VOL = A100k

MIX = B25k

SENS" is a 50k trimpot (or 30k for more accuracy!) that sets the max range for the "WOW" pot, which in turn controls the modulation depth. Every JFET is different, and the trimpot allows you to tune the circuit for the JFET you have.

The PCB is designed for this kind of trimpot - (Link)

To set the trimpot, turn the WOW pot to max, then play your instrument as loud as you ever will while adjusting the trimpot so that the modulation never goes too far, you'll see what I mean by "too far"! Roughly 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock is the usable trimpot range.

Wiring Diagram

I recommend using this type of DC socket - - to save room in the enclosure.


This image of the schematic is a lot clearer! -


This drilling template was kindly provided by Jose Pedro Matos: PDF link It's been tested and should work fine printed on A4. Lumberg jacks will fit with this template, otherwise measure your own holes for the input and output jacks on the sides, moving them a few millimetres towards the footswitch.

The layout is symmetrical across the orange line, but slightly assymetrical across the green line:

A couple of notes (not mandatory reading!)...

1. The diodes included in the kit aren't 1n34a's but they're the diodes I used to design the circuit and the ones I use in every Retroflect I make. They were sold to me as 1n34a's by a reasonably reputable supplier so not sure what's happening there. I guess they're BAT__ something. The forward voltage is very similar to 1n34a's.

2. As of September 2022 the reverse voltage protection diode (D3) on the PCB is now in series with the power line, so between the top "+" pad and VCC for the circuit. It's still a 1n4001 but it faces the other direction.

Circuit explanation

The JFET is a voltage controlled resistor that lets +5v flow to the VCO. It's controlled by the guitar input via an envelope follower (1n34a, 470k & 1uf). The trimpot & 4.7k are a kind of limiting circuit to set the max modulation.

The clipping stage is supposed to simulate magnetic tape saturation by clipping the very highest frequencies first, hence the 1n cap. The saturation pot turns the gain up, at the same time allowing more low frequencies to get clipped through the 100k.

The noise switch syphons white noise from the chip's voltage bias. I'm still not exactly sure how it works, but the PT2399 is a notoriously noisy IC. I believe this is digital noise that has coupled to the VREF and the capacitor is "decoupling" it straight to the signal path, where it is then amplified. Lowering the value of either the 100r or the 47r will increase the volume of the noise (one resistor controls the volume for each side of the noise switch).

The audio signal is high-pass filtered before the delay chip, and low-pass filtered afterwards, in an effort to copy the "emphasis... de-emphasis" technique of old analogue equipment, where the high frequencies are boosted to achieve a better signal to noise ratio.

A few pics of people's builds!


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