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Inkcap II Build Guide


R1 = 1k

R2 = 2.2m

R3 = 2.2m

R4 = 10k

R5 = 10k

R6 = 10k

R7 = 10k

R8 = 10k R9 = 2.2k

R10 = 100k

R11 = 47k

R12 = 100k

R13 = 100k

R14 = 470r (470 ohms)

R15 = 100r (100 ohms)

R16 = 47k

R17 = 47k

R18 = 22k

R19 = 10k

R20 = 10k

R21 = 4.7k R22 = none! R23 = none!

R24 = 100k

CLR = current limiting resistor, 4.7k is common for 3mm leds

C1 = 100n C2 = 100n

C3 = 1n

C4 = 10n

C5 = 1n

C6 = 47n

C7 = 47n

C8 = 100n

C9 = 100n

C10 = 100n

C11 = 100n

C12 = 100n

C13 = 10u

C14 = 2.2u

C15 = 100n

C16 = none!

C17 = 100u

C18 = 47u

C19 = 100u

C20 = 47u

C21 = 47u

C22 = nothing / unused

D1 = 1n4148

D2 = 1n4001

TL072 = TL072 or op amp with same pinout

PT2399 = PT2399!

LFO = chip included with kit

VACTROL = vactrol included with kit, match plus sign with PCB (compare with pics below)

Q1 = BC337

Q2 = 2n3904

5v = 78L05 regluiator (2 of these)

LED & BYP = LEDs (plus sign on positive leg)

VOL = B100k - volume of wet signal

TONE = B100k DUAL - LPF on wet signal

DEPTH = B25k - LFO depth

WAVE = B10k - introduces random LFO fluctuations (could just label it "random")

RATE = B10k - LFO rate

CHORUS = SPDT ON-ON toggle - adds unity gain dry signal



Notice I use those thinner audio jacks. Please double check spacing if you use different jacks! (I reworked the template slightly after making the one in the pic above)


IN = board input

OUT = board output

G = ground from DC jack

+9v = +9v from DC jack

Example wiring for 3PDT footswitch. Also notice two ground connections ("G") for jacks in top left

email: wraa (dot) labs (at) gmail (dot) com if you have any questions!


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