Mini Ripples Build Guide
Bill of Materials
R1 = 1k
R2 = 2.2m
R3 = 2.2m
R4 = 10k
R5 = 10k
R6 = 10k
R7 = 10k
R8 = 7.5k
R9 = 10k
R10 = 7.5k
R11 = 33k
R12 = x (x means not included in this version!)
R13 = x
R14 = 2k
R15 = 2k R16 = 68k
R17 = 47k
R18 = 47k
"CLR" on footswitch PCB = current limiting resistor. 4.7k is a common choice for 3mm LEDs
C1 = 100n
C2 = 100n
C3 = 2.7n
C4 = 2.7n
C5 = 100n
C6 = 100n
C7 = 100n
C8 = 100n
C9 = x
C10 = 47u
C11 = 100n
C12 = 100n C13 = 100n
C14 = 100u
C15 = 100u
C16 = 47u C17 = 100u
C18 = 100u
C19 = 100u
C20 = 100u
Ignore C1 on the footswitch PCB!
D1 = 1n4001
Q1 = 78L05 (5v voltage regulator)
Q2 = 78L05 (another one for the LFOs!)
Pots: Size, Density and Delay = B10k, Volume and Pitch = A100k
ICs: PT2399, TL072, "PIC" on PCB is the microcontroller included in the kit
The vactrols go in the large footprints in the middle of the PCB (ringed in yellow, below image). Make sure "+" on each vactrol goes in a hole marked "+"

Special instructions
Soldering the pots can be a bit tricky as some of the solder points are inbetween large capacitors (ringed in red, above image). It's not too hard to get an iron down there without melting a cap, but you may prefer to solder the pots first and bend them up to solder those capacitors etc.
I recommend using these DC jack sockets to save room in the case.

I don't have a printable drill template but I'd be very happy if someone could make one! These are the dimensions of the pot spacing. The layout is symmetrical across the grey vertical centre line (left side mirrors the right side).

not to scale!
Wiring diagram

Make sure the footswitch goes in the PCB this way around, with the lugs horizontal

If it doesn't fire up, email me at wraa.labs (at) gmail (dotcom) and I'll help you find the fault :)
You can use this image of the PCB layers to help check connections