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Ghost Code

100% digital remake of my ghostCODE reverb pedal that detects the frequency of the reverberated signal and uses divisions of that frequency to control a tremolo. The rate of the tremolo will increase as you play faster notes, giving you strangely interactive but slightly random-feeling pulses of reverb.

note - "freeverb" in the diagram is a placeholder for the Plate Reverb object

I've used Piotr (of Hexe Guitar)'s open source plate reverb code as my reverb. It sounds much better than the two options in the GUI in my opinion. You need to create the plate reverb library to use the Ghost Code sketch (scroll down to see how to do this)

The reverb on each channel is fed back into itself via mixer1 and mixer3. The volume on each mixer controls the feedback level.

Each channel's reverb is then lowpass filtered (biquad1 and biquad3) and sent to a notefreq object that detects the frequency of the reverb signal. That frequency is then divided (by a division selected with a pot) and the waveform object is then set to the divided frequency.

The waveform is mixed with DC object (essentially a constant level of 1) to create the depth pot. The waveform's offset is set to 1 to make a tremolo sound (rather than a ringmod). Turning down the depth pot increases the DC object's volume and decreases the waveform's volume until the mixer outputs a constant 1 (giving a passthrough effect at the multiplier).

The output of this mixer is multiplied with the reverb signal to create the tremolo. The reverb then goes through a final lowpass filter (controlled with a pot) and an amp for some make up gain.

Due to digital noise creeping in with too big of a program, each channel's division is done by the left channel. It works well as a mono in/stereo out effect. You could potentially use a control signal in the left channel to control the tremolo on the right.

Creating the plate reverb library

This is the exact same method you'll use for creating a library for any effect not included in the Teensy Audio Library. It's the same method I described in the Vibrato sketch description but I'll go through it again here.

  • First create a new sketch in the Arduino IDE (File -> New)

  • In the top right of the IDE you'll see a drop-down arrow under the magnifying glass, click it, and click 'New tab'.

  • In the box that appears, type "effect_platervbstereo.h", then click 'OK'. This will be the header file that will accompany the ".cpp" library file you're about to create.

  • Open this link to Piotr's plate reverb code, and open the two links called effect_platervbstereo.h and effect_platervbstereo.cpp.

  • Copy the entirety of the ".h" code sample into this new tab, deleting everything that was there previously.

  • Click back to the first tab that opened in the IDE, probably named "sketch_(today'sdate)", under the upload and verify buttons.

  • Copy everything in the ".cpp" code example from Piotr's github into this tab, deleting everything that was there previously.

  • Next you'll need to check what your "sketchbook directory" is, this is the location on your device that your sketches are saved to. In the IDE, go to File -> Preferences -> Sketchbook location. It's probably "...Documents/Arduino" but it's good to make sure.

  • Now save the sketch you just created (File -> Save). Make sure the sketch is being saved in your sketchbook directory. There is another folder called "libraries" in "Program Files x86" (on Windows). You need to make sure you save the sketch in the correct "libraries" folder in "Documents" - assuming that's what your sketchbook directory is - and not the Program Files x 86 one. Name the sketch "effect_platervbstereo.cpp" and save it.

  • Open File Explorer on your computer and navigate to your sketchbook directory, then open the "libraries" folder. You should now see a new folder called "effect_platervbstereo.cpp". Open this folder and check that you have two files, "effect_platervbstereo.h" and "effect_platervbstereo.cpp". If the latter appears as "vibrato.cpp.ino", rename it by removing the ".ino". Click "OK" if a warning pops up.

The Plate reverb library is now created and you can use this awesome effect :)

Ghost Code Sketch

Copy everything in the embedded box below into a new Arduino sketch and zap it into your pedal to play with the Ghost Code!

A0 = Feedback, A1 = Tone, A2 = Division (there are four: /64 /32 /16 /8), A3 = Depth

Toggle switch = “Alt” division (/32 /16 /8)

Footswitch turns on “Alt” division

#define LED 3
#include <Bounce.h>
#include "effect_platervbstereo.h"

#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>

// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioInputI2S            i2s1;           //xy=227.1110610961914,444.5555610656738
AudioSynthWaveformDc     dc1;            //xy=491.2221450805664,436.66667556762695
AudioSynthWaveform       waveform1;      //xy=498.2221450805664,503.66667556762695
AudioEffectPlateReverb      freeverb2; //xy=517.7777709960938,762.2222900390625
AudioMixer4              mixer3; //xy=518.2221946716309,691.6666736602783
AudioEffectPlateReverb      freeverb1;      //xy=521.2221946716309,165.66667366027832
AudioMixer4              mixer1;         //xy=531.2221946716309,241.66667366027832
AudioMixer4              mixer2; //xy=636.2221450805664,463.66667556762695
AudioFilterBiquad        biquad1;        //xy=741.1110916137695,161.11109828948975
AudioEffectMultiply      multiply1;      //xy=815.5555258856879,317.777778201633
AudioEffectMultiply      multiply2; //xy=817.7777252197266,622.2222585678101
AudioAnalyzeNoteFrequency notefreq1;      //xy=923.3333511352539,158.8888931274414
AudioFilterBiquad        biquad2; //xy=958.8888778686523,320.0000343322754
AudioFilterBiquad        biquad4; //xy=971.1110382080078,618.8888845443726
AudioAmplifier           amp1;           //xy=1112.2223739624023,321.11109924316406
AudioAmplifier           amp2; //xy=1127.7777557373047,613.3333530426025
AudioOutputI2S           i2s2;           //xy=1330.7777290344238,467.55562019348145
AudioConnection          patchCord1(i2s1, 0, mixer1, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord2(i2s1, 1, mixer3, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord3(dc1, 0, mixer2, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord4(waveform1, 0, mixer2, 1);
AudioConnection          patchCord5(freeverb2, 0, mixer3, 1);
AudioConnection          patchCord6(freeverb2, 0, multiply2, 1);
AudioConnection          patchCord7(mixer3, freeverb2);
AudioConnection          patchCord8(freeverb1, 0, mixer1, 1);
AudioConnection          patchCord9(freeverb1, 0, multiply1, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord10(freeverb1, biquad1);
AudioConnection          patchCord11(mixer1, freeverb1);
AudioConnection          patchCord12(mixer2, 0, multiply1, 1);
AudioConnection          patchCord13(mixer2, 0, multiply2, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord14(biquad1, notefreq1);
AudioConnection          patchCord15(multiply1, biquad2);
AudioConnection          patchCord16(multiply2, biquad4);
AudioConnection          patchCord17(biquad2, amp1);
AudioConnection          patchCord18(biquad4, amp2);
AudioConnection          patchCord19(amp1, 0, i2s2, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord20(amp2, 0, i2s2, 1);
AudioControlSGTL5000     sgtl5000_1;     //xy=1292.666603088379,783.6667251586914
// GUItool: end automatically generated code

Bounce footswitch = Bounce(0, 50);  // debounce the footswitch
Bounce D1 = Bounce(1, 50);          // debounce the toggle switch
Bounce D2 = Bounce(2, 50);          // "  "  "  "  "  "  "  "  "

// this section includes the function to check the toggle position
bool right;
bool middle;
bool left;
void checkToggle () {               // this is our function to check toggle position...
D1.update();  D2.update();          // check digital inputs connected to toggle (can delete I think)
if(digitalRead(1) && !digitalRead(2))   {right = 1; middle = 0; left = 0;}    // toggle is right
if(digitalRead(1) && digitalRead(2))  {right = 0; middle = 1; left = 0;}      // toggle is in the middle
if(!digitalRead(1) && digitalRead(2))   {right = 0; middle = 0; left = 1;}    // toggle is left

// variables
float reverbtime;
float note;
byte division;
int lpf;
float depth;

extern "C" uint32_t set_arm_clock(uint32_t frequency);

void setup() {

  AudioMemory(450); // the "40" represents how much internal memory (in the Teensy, not the external RAM chip) is allotted for audio recording. It is measured in sample blocks, each providing 2.9ms of audio.
  sgtl5000_1.enable();    // this turns on the SGTL5000, which is the audio codec on the audio board
  sgtl5000_1.volume(1);   // this sets the output volume (it can be between 0 and 1)
  sgtl5000_1.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN); // selects the audio input, we always use Line In
  analogReadResolution(12); // configure the pots to give 12 bit readings
  pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); // internal pull-up resistor for footswitch
  pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP); // internal pull-up resistor for toggle
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); // internal pull-up resistor for toggle
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);       // pin 3 (the LED) is an output;
  // test stuff

  // sine wave / note detection
  waveform1.begin(1, 5, WAVEFORM_SINE);
  // input / feedback mixer

  // plate verb settings

  // pre-note-freq reverb filter 
  biquad1.setLowpass(0, 1000, 0.7);

  // reverb output hpf 
  biquad2.setHighpass(0, 120, 0.8); 
  biquad4.setHighpass(0, 120, 0.8); 


  // make-up gain

void loop() {
    // feedback
    reverbtime = (float) analogRead(A0) / 4095;

    // low pass filter
    lpf = (analogRead(A1) * 2) + 1000;
    biquad2.setLowpass(1, lpf, 2.2);
    biquad4.setLowpass(1, lpf, 2.2);

    if(!digitalRead(0))                     // if footswitch pressed
      digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
      if(right) division = 2;
      else if(middle) division = 3;
      else if(left) division = 4;
    else {
      division = 7 - ((analogRead(A2) >> 10) +2);  // pot controls division, 5 to 2
      digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
    // read fundamental frequency
    if (notefreq1.available()) 
      note =;
      division = 2 << division;             // the 4 divisions are 64 to 8

      // set waveform frequency
      note = note / division;

    // depth
    depth = (float) analogRead(A3) / 4095;


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